
Tour Operator Incoming

Touristation welcomes thousands of visitors every day, offering the following services:
 - Booking services, welcoming and guided tours to the main museums with assistance or dedicated audio guides
 - Organization of guided tours with dedicated buses and minibuses and/or rental of bicycles or other means of transport
 - Organization of guided tours with food and wine experience services
 - Promotion activities for "minor" sites to enhance their value and make them accessible to a broader audience, through the creation of dedicated
   content and booking systems (an example of this type of activity is the opening to the public of Vicus Caprarius and the Stadium of Domitian)
 - Services with accommodation
 - Transfer services to/from airports
 - Promotion and resale of accommodation and dining experiences through the holding company's subsidiaries
 - Direct management of museum sites such as "the Leonardo da Vinci Museum," "the Gladiator Museum," or the recent extraordinary opening
  of the Piano Nobile of Palazzo Patrizi

Of particular importance, within the activities of 2024, is the extraordinary opening of the "Piano Nobile di Palazzo Patrizi," a new chapter of the projects that the company aims to pursue in order to offer a differentiated and quality experience to those coming to Rome.

For Palazzo Patrizi, he took care of:
 - Requesting and obtaining permits for opening to the public
 - Structuring a House Museum tour, building its content together with qualified professionals
 - Preparing audio guides in 4 languages
 - Managing the reservation system and welcoming visitors with trained staff for location oversight
 - Organizing private and institutional events

Touristation is an accredited entity with the main concessionaires of Museums, Archaeological Parks, and Managers of Italian Cultural Heritage, by way of example but not limited to:
 - Accredited tour operator as a partner with a "special agreement" with the Vatican Museums
 - Accredited tour operator as "Major Clients" with TOSC / Ticketone
 - Accredited tour operator as "Major Clients" with Coopculture
 - Exclusive reseller for the promotion of the Doria Pamphilj Gallery
 - Exclusive reseller for the promotion of FOROF Contemporary Art and Archaeology for access to the archaeological site with the remains of the
  Ulpia Basilica and to monographic exhibitions of contemporary art
 - Preferred reseller for the Stadium of Domitian and Vicus Caprarius
 - Main tour operator in terms of attendance at the Catacombs of San Callisto
 - Reseller for the Civic Museums of Rome through the T-Lite system under the concession of Zétema, and recognition of Touristation offices as
   information points in Rome
 *New* Partnership with the association of Historic Residences for the enhancement of venues in the city and province